Monday, November 7, 2011

Eusebio Ayala

Hello my people!

Another week gone. We´re already almost a third of the way through November! That´s crazy. All I know is that it just keeps getting hotter and hotter down here. It´s going to be a hot one. It also rained twice this week which is always fun, but not very productive as missionaries. We still got lots of good stuff done, and went out in the rain with jackets and whatnot this time, so we didn´t get Elder Milne sick. Go good parenting!

As far as the work goes, we´re sort of in a not fun spot right now because there aren´t too many people that seem interested right now. And lots of our members are having severe husband issues. We only had 2 adults in church and us and then some younger children so we´ve got a long ways to go to improve. It´s kind of overwhelming at times, but we can do it. It´s giving Elder Milne a good start into his mission though. He´ll be pro when he goes to other areas. Speaking of other areas, changes just happened but Elder Milne and I are staying together which we already knew. We have a training program thing and it has 6 weeks left, so when changes happen the 21st of December (crappy right) we might part our ways, but for now we´ve got a goodly amount of time to try and help Eusebio Ayala!

I´ve re committed my self to learning lots of new Spanish words so I can be a spanish boss one day. It´s pretty easy because Elder Milne is always trying to learn new words so I just look up a couple knew weird ones in the dictionary and write them in my agenda. Ardilla means squirrel! Yeah!

Also, something cool today is while we were buying groceries and whatnot, the cashier/owner of the market thing asked us if we wanted to eat with him, so we said yes cause I like free food and we went up to his house and ate a really really good soup made by his mom and it was awesome. His son is an athiest and his grandma wants us to help him. This son claims that God can´t exist if bad things are happening. I believe I have a couple of scriptures to share with him next time, so we´ll see what happens. At least the soup was good. Mmmmm

Halloween passed without incident. Someone claimed that Paraguayans kind of do a trick or treating thing, but I didn´t see a single person do anything so I think they were just confused. That is my report of that.

Other than that, I don´t have anything new and exciting to say to everyone. We´re still working hard and praying and trying hard to help this area a lot. I´m hoping we see some lovely fruit from our labors here pretty soon, but I can wait patiently and continue to work. I hope that everyone is well, and I hope you all have a great week! Love you!

Elder Morris