Oh hey there family and friends! Another week has come and gone. This week marks the end of my first change in Paraguay and over 1 and 1/2 months. We havent gotten any word on if any of us are going anywhere yet so thatll be for next week. In exciting news, the first package has arrived! Todd and Rachel take the trophy for the first package in Paraguay so kudos to you! It was much appreciated :D Right now Im in Salto, which is why Im not using apostrophes. I dunno how to make one on a stupid Portugese keyboard so whatevs. Nothing too exciting happened this week. It rained like 5 of the 7 days this week which always puts a big halt on missionary work, especially when 90% of the roads are mud. That was an interesting experience. Another funny story: we were in Shopping China (a huge store full of stuff from the states) and the Elders from Saltos found some handcuffs on the shelf. There was a key inside so they figured itd be safe to just put em on. As it turns out, the key was to a briefcase that was next to the handcuffs and the store didnt have a key after all. Luckily after much searching they found a worker who knew how to take them off using a paper clip, but it was a good story nonetheless. That was a pretty funny prank that someone did with that key.
Other than that, its just good ole times in La Paloma. It gets hotter and more humid which is always a treat, but at least my skin isnt dry right? I wish I was there for some fun Christmas festivities. Theres nothing cool here for Christmas. Just really really crappy fireworks. And for the Christmas call of sorts, I dunno what were actually doing. Supposedly we just call from the church or something maybe, but I will have to do some fancy investigative work. I think thats all I have for this week. It was rainy and uneventful but sometimes that happens I suppose. Keep on keepin on back at home and do good stuff!
Elder Morris