Oh hey there my family and friends and such!
So this week was much more exciting! The big news is that my Paraguay group is now shipping out on the 20th instead of the 25th so I now officially have like 2 weeks left in here...CRAZY! We're not sure why they bumped us up, but anywho that's pretty exciting and awesome! In other news, Gen-con was awesome. I'm glad you all saw me on the tv :D I'm such a star! It was an amazing experience to sing up there, and I'm so thankful I got the opportunity. I touched one of the organ pipes on the way out so now I'm even cooler. And I actually took notes on the sessions for the first time ever, and it actually makes a difference! Who woulda thunk? I really liked Elder Holland's talk in the Saturday morning session. Many people crying in the CCM, that's for sure. Thank you, my family, for letting me come out here :)
I'm now officially fully immunized for Paraguay which is exciting I guess. And Elder Gaylord got mysterious cupcakes the other day! We don't know who they are from, but they tasted good and I haven't died yet so I think we're all good! I've also noticed that I can't spell half of anything anymore. It's sort of depressing, yet exciting. Engrish are hard meow :( Spanish is hard too, so pretty much I'm just bad at spelling and speaking anything! But, my spanish is getting better and better, and now we only teach in Spanish and actually teach instead of just going through lessons and whatnot so it's super cool. I was super nervous today because now we're leaving even earlier, but then I went to the temple and, long story short, I'm stoked out of my mind to get to Paraguay.
For funny stories this week, nothing too exciting happened. I've still kept my chocolate milk streak alive for every single meal. And now I weigh 144. :D I think maybe those are related. And then Elder Sears (the one who fell on his face) tried to pose as an investigator on mormon.org <http://mormon.org>, even though we all told him to not waste their time. He said "hola" to the person and then promptly received a "elder, log off now and don't log onto mormon.org <http://mormon.org> from the MTC." It was pretty funny. Apparently they know. And during one of our useful nightly conversations, our district talked about Jedi's, the Avatar from the last airbender (not the blue people), and then wizards like Harry Potter. I now poll you all! Which of the three would you rather be? You can also choose pokemon trainer, but nobody did here. Cast your votes. The avatar would beat anyone in a fight, but you can choose whomever you'd like. Todd picks jedi already I predict.
In other news, our teacher Hermano Coles is pretty much the smartest scripture person I've ever met in my life. He's told us things that would blow your minds! I wrote them down, so you can read them in 2 years if you all behave yourselves.
That's all of the excitng news for this week. A lot happened, and a lot changed. I'm more excited than ever to ship out and preach the gospel. Thank you all for your prayers because I most certainly need them. I keep praying for you all, and I know that my serving a mission is blessing you all back home! I love you all! Keep on keeping on and stay true to the faith! Two more weeks and I'm off to Paraguay. Yeah. Exciting! Oh and you should all definetly go to the temple within this next week. It's amazing, and I promise you'll learn something new and exciting if you do. I think that's all for this week. I love you all, my friends and family :)
Elder Morris